Wednesday, June 6, 2007

NexT: GoiNg into Gathering Material

An endeavour to discover new or collate old facts etc. by the scientific study of a subject or by a course of critical investigation.

Sources for research
Evaluating resources in the internet
Key words to use

Applying Bloom's Taxonomy to QuesTioning Strategy

Level 1 - Knowledge

What is _____?
Where is _____?
How did _____ happen?
Why did _____?
When did _____?
How would you know ______?
Can you list three?

Level 2 - Comprehension

How would you classify?
How would you state and intepret in your own word?
What are the facts or ideas show?
In what way, you can relate the model to the problem?
In comparsion.._____?
How could you illustrate?
To summarize ________?
To demonstrate ________?

Level 3 - Application

In what way, can you apply what you comprehend to practical life?
What are the main key words will you utilize?

What questions will you ask for the interview?
What are the examples can you find?

Level 4 - Analysis

It is the breaking down of a problems into components and have them scrutiny examined.

What are the factors influences the _____?
How it is functioned?
In what way are they differ?
Advantages and disadvantages?
Strength and weakness?

Level 5 - Synthesis

Question : Providing solutions
How the trend will be in next 5 year?
In what way we can do to improve the sitution?
Are there any alternatives?
In which areas, we need a change in?
What is the budget estimated to be?

Level 6 -Evaluation

Would it be better if ____?
What would you cite to defend the actions?
What information would you used to support the view?
What data was used to make the conclusion?
How would you justify?

Make use of this questioning strategy and bloom taxonomy to develop ideas for problems.

Approach to the Problem: SteP1 -Organising Information

To start off from a problem, it is advisable to have a format (above). It serves as a guide or rough plan to approach the problem.

Draft assumptions:
Assumptions that are made by you with references to the given data for the first time, it can be changed after researched.

Comprehending Bloom's Taxonomy Theory

Knowledge – facts or bits of information
Comprehension – understanding what information means
Application – finding a practical use for the knowledge
Analysis – breaking down the knowledge into component parts
Synthesis – connecting knowledge to other knowledge and devising something new
Evaluation – judging knowledge

Basically Bloom's theory is partition into six stages, it is an effective tool in problem solving approach.

SouRceS for increMent of Prior Knowledge

Tieing up prior knowledge with questioning is important.
What prior knowledge in the past can be apply to this problem?

Questioning strategy

Note that questioning is part of problem solving

Starting with the fundamental level:
5 wives and 1 husband
When – When does the incident happened?
Where – Where is the place?
Who – Who was/were there?
Why – Why it happen?
What – What is the main objective?
How – How the murderer get away?

A roUgh guide of critical thinKing stePs

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Critical Thinking Skill
This subject trains a person to be rationale, helps to develop a problem solver by solving problems in a step-by-step basis. This skill confers the ability to evaluate information, without this ability means you could not make good decision and is likely to be mislead by people.

Why is it important to be logical?
Being logical is significant in our lifes, be it of making good decision, assessing whether is it the correct way or even in an argument.

Some examples of misleading objects

Elements of thoughts (Click to enlarge)